Lowering kit for the FirstBIKE Balance bikes that allows kids to get started riding earlier.
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With the aid of the LowKit™ lowering kit, usually around 20-24months of age. The seat to ground height on a FirstBIKE with inflatable tyres and lowering kit is 30.5cm. So an inseam of 32cm would be a rough guide as the extra couple of centimetres will allow your child to safely place their feet flat on the ground and have enough space to move confidently.

We recommend to measure the length from the groin to the inner arch of the foot. If it’s below 35cm, your child will need the LowKit™ lowering kit. 35cm or more, will be able to ride comfortably. For safe riding on a balance bike, it is necessary that your child reaches the ground with both feet flat, not just with the toes. Around 90% of 2 year-old children need the LowKit™ lowering kit.

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